Thursday, 15 November 2018

Sudoku 14: Product Frame Sudoku

Rules: Classic Sudoku rules apply. Additionally the numbers outside represent the product of first three numbers in corresponding direction.

Thanks to Gaurav Kr. Jain for suggesting good changes to the sudoku.


Thursday, 1 November 2018

Sudoku 13: Extra Region Sudoku

Many beginners told me that the Sudokus uploaded on the blog are quite difficult for them to solve. So, I decided that from now on wards I'll also post a link of the easier version of the same Sudoku which I post on the blog. Additionally, from now on wards I'll also post the link of  the solution of the Sudoku.(I'll also add the solution link to the previous Sudokus in some days)

Today I'm posting an Extra Region Sudoku. Hope you all enjoy it.

Rules: Classic Sudoku rules apply. Additionally, each group of 9 shaded cells will also have digits from 1 to 9. 
